Bill and Betty Coleman were faithful servants who loved God and others. Through their Christian lives, they demonstrated a great heart for the ministry. They left their entire estate to help young people prepare to serve the Lord. They exemplified Matthew 10:42, “and whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” Even though they have gone to be with the Lord they love, their work continues by providing young people financial assistance to attend a Bible college to prepare to serve their Lord whether full-time or vocational service.
Consideration will be given to those enrolled for studies in a good, Bible college preparing for ministry. Scholarship recipients are selected from those who have demonstrated a servant’s heart in their local church and are subject to the scholarship committee’s determination by considering the following criteria: personal testimony, areas of past and present service, and a pastoral/missionary recommendation. Special consideration is given to those coming from the Northwest, those associated with Camp Northwest or those associated with the mission outreach of Westside Baptist Church.
No matter what was on the horizon,
the Colemans knew of God’s great care and provisions
as found in some of their favorite verses:
Exodus 15:2 - “The LORD is my strength and son, and he is become my salvation:
he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him.”
Psalm 91:1-2 - “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.”
Open enrollment for the Northern Hemisphere will be from March 1- July 31 and the Southern Hemisphere students August 1 to December 31 for the coming school year. Applications that are not filed online will need to be emailed to This email can also be used to get more information.
Those awarded scholarships may submit a written request for future scholarships by updating the committee of their need and how the Lord has been working in their life. These letters can be sent in during the open enrollment period for each hemisphere for the next school year. We would hope that you would let us know how the Lord continues to work in your life.
Please note: Once starting this online application, you CANNOT save it and come back later to finish. Please allow adequate time to complete this form. Before starting this application, you must know your pastor’s or missionary’s email address. This is needed to notify your pastor/missionary that he needs to complete a recommendation for you. You will be prompted to provide this at the end of the application.
There are two options when applying online. You can choose to complete your testimony using the form or you may upload a file containing your testimony. Some applicants prefer to type their testimony using a document maker (like Microsoft Word) and when satisfied, apply online! If you chose to do this, know that during the application process you will be asked to upload your testimony file. The testimony file should include three things:
· Your testimony of salvation
· Your testimony of God’s leadership in your life: call, help, opportunities to serve, etc.
· Your testimony of personal life: family, community, needs, etc.
Scholarship applications may be filed online or mailed to:
Coleman Memorial Bible College Scholarship Fund,
1375 Irving Rd Eugene, Oregon 97404.
Scholarship applications may be emailed to: