Junior Camp Registration (July 7 - 12, 2025)

Junior Camp
July 7-12
Preacher Tom Allen

Senior Camp
August 4-9
Pastor Taylor Gillaspie
Parent / Guardian Information

Please select one option.
Emergency Contact Information

Camper Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Medication Information


Medication brought to camp MUST be checked in with the camp nurse ar registration. All prescription medication MUST be in the original container with the camper's name, name of medication, and directions clearly marked on the pharmacy label. PLEASE PUT ALL MEDICATION AND ANY INSTRUCTIONS IN A ZIP LOCK BAG AND GIVE TO YOUR CHURCH SPONSOR SO IT CAN BE TURNED INTO THE NURSE AT CAMP. Over-the-counter medication can only be provided by the camp nurse and staff. The camp nurse has non-prescription medicines in the event of a minor illness or injury.
The Nurses have the below over the counter medications available and will be administered as needed unless you (parent/guardian) have an objection:
Please select all that apply.
Prescribed Medication

Primary Medical Insurance

Pharmacy Insurance

Notice & Permissions

     These items are not allowed at camp: cell phones (unless given special permission by CNW Staff), radios, CD or MP3 Players, hand-held video games, questionable magazines, tobacco, liquor, drugs, knives, guns, or fireworks. If a reasonable suspicion exists of a camper having any of these items, his/her backpack or luggage may be searched.
     “I give permission for the above-named individual to attend Camp Northwest. I agree to support Camp Northwest in their dress and conduct regulations for my child while at camp. I also give permission to use photos including this camper in camp publicity."
     “In case of a medical emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians of campers. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by Camp Northwest to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, and/or surgery for the above-named individual. I also give my permission to the camp nurse and staff to give non-prescription medications in the event of a minor illness or injury.”
     “I agree to release any records necessary for treatment, referral, billing, or insurance purposes. I also affirm that the medical information and insurance coverage on this form is complete and correct.”
     “I voluntarily waive the claim against Camp Northwest, camp personnel, or other person(s) transporting my child, against all liability, claims, damages, attorney fees, expenses arising out of or in connection with any activities of the above organization”

A processing fee of $2.00 will be added for each downpayment paid online. The downpayment must be paid for the registration to be compeleted. Your church sponsor will collect the rest of the payment from you. Each church will pay the remaing balance at registration on the Monday of camp. The downpayment is nonrefundable with a couple exceptions (death in the family, serious illness, etc). This reserves a spot for your child to attend camp.

You now also have an option to pay the full registration price, but there is a processing fee of $7.85 for this convenience.

This year all campers and stiff will be given a link to the camp video after camp is over. There is no cost for the camp video this year!


Junior Camp
July 7-12
Preacher Tom Allen

Senior Camp
August 4-9
Pastor Taylor Gillaspie